All Times Now Nothing - Tears Voyuer (2020)

In a state of screengaze we see the frenzy of the hyperreality; the chaotic and unending flow of info which serves as the composite of the idealworld as it’s presented to us. Projections of self-styled-life, illusions of societal norm, prescribed freedom, and omnipresent prompts for consumption embody this hyperworld which once zoomed in on becomes dissociative, overwhelming, and often unstable as its reflection is held up to itself.

While in the windowgaze state, we see a muted reflection of the actual. We see in such a way that allows us to view a still and serene world onto which we can project our own idealisms; romanticising the mundane with notions of love and beauty, while flirting with senses of meaninglessness and nothingness. Through windowgazing we allow ourselves to eulogise the actual in a “is-it-really-real” way.

Tears Voyuer is the debut LP by the duo All Times Now Nothing. Tears Voyuer is presented in two formats. The physical 12” LP is comprised of two 22 minute collage pieces. The digital format is made up of 14 tracks which form the basis of the collages as heard on the record.
released February 10, 2020

All music written & composed by Alfred Brooks & Cliona Ni Laoi
Post production by Alfred Brooks

Artwork by Cliona Ni Laoi, Alfred Brooks, & Dean McGrath